Ardkinglas Woodland Garden

Ardkinglas Woodland Garden

Spectacularly situated over-looking Loch Fyne the garden contains many Champion Trees including one of the tallest trees in Britain and the "Mightiest Conifer in Europe".

Throughout the spring and early summer the fine rhododendron collection and carpet of fragrant bluebells create a riotous display of colour. Autumn is equally attractive, the vivid colours within the Sorbus collection and the Cercidiphyllum gorge contrasting with the delicate hues of the oak and beech.

The peaceful trails meander through unspoilt woodland and high above the babbling waters of the River Kinglas, passing a Scriptorium, full of literary quotes, the woodland lochan and a 17th. century mill ruin. Wildlife abounds, keep a look-out for our red squirrels!!

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